Hyderabad Youth Summit on Climate Change
                          HYSoCC '09
                           June 20,21

Venue: Deloitte Campus, Gachibowli

Deadline for applications extended to the 15th

The Hyderabad Youth Summit on Climate Change will bring together young students and professionals from across the city of Hyderabad to engage in a two day discussion on environment and climate change in Hyderabad. 

This two day conference on June 20-21will also bring together some experts and specialists in various fields of energy, water, waste, biodiversity etc to share their learnings with the young audience. 

The conference will also try to bring together different perspectives on climate change ranging from that of a farmer to a philosopher. These experiences will prove vital in understanding the problem better and arriving at solutions that are holistic and uphold the principle of equity.

Some of the aims of the conference include:

1. A Hyderabad Youth Charter on Climate Change that will reflect the aspirations of the youth and young professionals regarding development related policy.

2. To facilitate exchange of ideas and sharing of techniques and practices on climate change mitigation and adaptation that can be replicated by youth across Hyderabad. 

3. To serve as a platform for further in depth policy analysis and proposals on the key development issues facing Hyderabad in the wake of climate change.  

4. To create an environment that will engage youth in policy issues of the capital and encourage youth leadership to find the solutions. 

5. To forge a city-wide partnership of youth under the aegis of the Indian Youth Climate Network.

Sponsored by WWF-India


Deloitte Route Map
